Bear Pond Books is expanding services for teachers, librarians, and other educators. Below is an overview of what we currently offer. Have other ideas? Tell Jane in the Children’s Room or e-mail
Discounts on Books for the Classroom
We’ve standardized our discount system so that all books purchased for the classroom are 20% off, no minimum purchase necessary.
Author-Educator Talks and Resources
Throughout the school year, we invite authors in for Saturday morning conversations with educators. Past topics have included learning language through picture books, researching family and place, historical fiction, and teaching creative nonfiction.
Talks take place at 11:00 am in the children’s room, with coffee and
snacks, and are free and open to everyone. We provide certificates of
attendance and a description of the event for participants who are able
to use it towards continuing education credits.
This website offers notes from all previous talks and previews of upcoming talks. For a schedule go here; for general information about events at Bear Pond Books, please visit our events page.
Book Wish Lists
Do you have a list of books you would like to have donated to your classroom, library or organization? You can use our Wish List to let donors know what you need and also offer easy online ordering. More information is available here.
Book Fairs
Information on how to use Bear Pond Books as a supplier for school book fairs is available here.
Help Finding and Ordering Books
Our staff is available to help track down difficult to find books, build book lists for particular ages or topics, update old book lists, place a special order, and make sure you have the books you need. You can also order online at
Want to Stay Informed?
We have an electronic newsletter for educators that will let you know about upcoming events and useful resources. This list is different from the general Bear Pond Books update. To join go to this link and select the Educators option.
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